My arms are so big!

While I’m not a girly girl, there are days when I’d like to feel more attractive. The easiest way of doing that is by putting on a nice dress.

I’ve amassed quite a number of dresses that I’ve gotten for myself ever since I’ve lived here in Rome. Some of which I haven’t even worn out. Mana Designs Italian black pumps heels

(And honestly, I don’t know if I ever will. I don’t like wearing stilettos) 

Which is probably why I haven’t been so excited about the sale season that is going on – I need to organise the clothes that I already have.

And looking through the pile, I find that there are dresses which used to look acceptable on me, it just doesn’t look right any more – for example, certain sleeveless ones accentuates my arms but not in a good way. I feel like I’m a man wearing a dress.

Man in dress


On the other hand, there are some men who look good in a dress and I’m probably exaggerating about my arms. Nevertheless, my body has changed quite a bit since I’ve moved to Rome. I’ve gained  some weight, I’ve lost some weight.

I haven’t been running for a while since I trained for my last race in December, but I’ve continued doing quite a bit of circuit training  and aquagym which I guess has changed how my body looks like. I could see that my shoulders and arms look different. But I don’t plan on stopping because I like what I see and I want to continue to feel stronger. That’s what’s important right?

(Who needs drugs when you’ve got endorphins?)

Nevertheless, while looking in the mirror, my eyes keep looking at my arms. To me, they look succulent enough to eat 😛

Maybe I’m thinking too much about it?  Cart says that he doesn’t see the ‘manly’ arms that I’m talking about. Also, the way that you pose and angle yourself plays a big role on how the visual turn out.

But if the clothes doesn’t look right, it just doesn’t look right, regardless of how much self esteem one has.

Which is why I’ve been drawn a lot to halternecks these days – it has the right cut visually, I can expose my arms and shoulders, without thinking that they are huge.

What do you think?