As you’ve probably read in my earlier post, I’m currently training for the Singapore City Race. There are various categories in there – 8 km, 15 km, 25 km and 40 km.
I signed up for the 25 km one but I was training as if I was going for the 40 km one. After all, I’ve already completed a marathon, I should be able to ace it for this one too right?
Of course, the first few weeks it went smooth … but one month into my training, I’m just not feeling it. Maybe previously I haven’t been jogging for a while? Or maybe I’ve been over-training? Nevertheless, after my long run, my whole body aches all over and instead of being in a euphoric state, I’m in a bad mood and don’t feel motivated. At all.
So I guess it’s much better for me to take a step back, take a break and let my body recover. In the meanwhile, I guess I’ll have to re-plan a new training schedule. In any case, the worse is over, I’ve already done 20 km in my long run. I should be fine for the actual event 😛
Half dead after this particular run -_-
By the way, my New Balance Minimus is so worn out now. To the point that the sole is smoothed out. I’ve been forced to run in my old runners and I hated the feeling. It feels so heavy and clunky. But what to do? I don’t have anything else.
I’ve been trying to find new ones to replace them. But it seems that in Italy, New Balance doesn’t stock them any more. I wasn’t too surprised though, as Minimalist shoes aren’t that popular in Italy.
I could check out if there are some for sale left in Singapore. I guess in the meanwhile, I’d have to continue running in my old clunkers.