In late September, the vesporeans, as well as other various biker associations participated in the Bikers Aid Charity Ride.
This year, in lieu of the Hari Raya Haji Celebrations, the Bikers Aid will be organizing the “Ibadah Kurban 2007” for the tsunami and earthquake victims in Jogyakarta and Aceh.
The bikers aid are seeking your kind donations. These monies will be contributed for the purchase of live sheep to be distributed to the needy as food. With each sheep costing $170, you may consider pooling this amount as a representation of your association.
The last date for donations is on the 10th December 2007. For more details, please contact the Scooter Owner Group Club, Mr Ramle Ismail and Mr Wan.
Handphone : 9059 5292
Email :
P.s Please feel free to spread the word! Thanks 🙂
what a great initiative. i’ll help spread the word.
and yes, HI MARINA..i’m back after a long hiatus. after entertaining thoughts of quitting, GMP is back, refreshed.
hope u have been well! i voted for u! =)
have a gd weekend!
Wow, welcome back to the blogosphere! I must say that I was pleasantly surprised to see your feed active again in my google reader!
How are YOU? I’m really glad that you came back 😀 We all have missed you!
And thank you so much for spreading the word about the donation and for voting 🙂 That means so much
the Earthquake in Indonesia is really bad. i have some friends who live in Indonesia and they were injured because of the earthquake`