Behind the scenes of a interview

Wi is teh

Arzhou, Uzyn, Estee, me and DK trying to form the letters ping is a Singaporean based blog aggregate where members will have a higher chance of having their blogs read by other members.

Somewhere in mid August, Uzyn asked Arzhou, DK, Daphne and me to join him in an interview for – an online video channel for bloggers.

We met Estee who will be hosting, and then introduced to a Todd Murray, of who will be filming.

Here is a short clip of some behind the scenes footage, taken by Daphne! 😀

Links :

Sidenote : My exams are almost over with only literature to go! 😀

4 Replies to “Behind the scenes of a interview”

  1. Leong Him Woh

    Maybe for the others, but I sure felt brainless that day 😛 Hehehehe

    Todd Murray

    The pleasure was ours. We were honoured to have been invited for the interview 😀 (So when is the next one? :-P)


    More like act cute … hehehehehe

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