Tanjong Pagar community center conducted a vocal training class today and I thought I’d just dropped by.
I took the train to the Tanjang Pagar train station. It felt a little strange sitting in the train again after being on the scooter for some while. The familiar sights of people rushing to enter and grab for seats. And me falling fast asleep in the middle of the journey. In time I reached the station and it didn’t take me long to reach the community center on foot for the rest of the journey.
The tanjong pagar community center was a little different from the taman jurong community center which was nearer to my home. It seemed that the people here were more well heeled. Many of the women seemed to be rather nicely dressed for Sunday morning. I stared admiringly at a pair of pink pumps.
We were introduced to Shin Ikesue – a vocal trainer and founder of the Tokyo Mass choir. I must say that it was quite an experience, hearing such a powerful voice live.
He taught us breathing exercises and emphasis on the mouth and projection. But to be honest, it wasn’t anything new that I’ve learnt in choir before.For example the keynotes do mi re fa so fa re do, to be sung an octave higher or lower each time to train the muscles as well as the A E I O U mouthing exercises, which are pretty standard singing techniques.Nevertheless, it was still a good way to spend the weekend. 🙂
oooh vocal training class! i’ve always wanted to go for some :p
and yeah, we shld make a sporean version. im sure the song wld run much longer than this one 😛
1. Sorry to hear abt the accident and scooter.
2. Yes…it gets weird when u haven’t been commuting for awhile.
3. Got ur sms dat u got a place for Cart. ur rite…they jacked the prices up during the peak season. But if for any reason ur choice don’t go through, I got dibs on a rm @ $105/nite, townside.
4. wat u go seea vocal coach for? we have Jules!!! lol!
Hehehe Myztika, for first, I’ll complain about the 7 percent gst, and singaporean kiasuism … myself included 😛
If I see any vocal classes, I’ll be sure to let you know 🙂
Cool a hotel for 105 dollars! Red, where is it? But I’ve alredy got a room though at a really nice place 🙂
Juli as a vocal coach? *scratches head*