How to make vegetarian meatballs

There was some melanzane in the fridge and I was wondering what to do with it.

Melanzane means eggplants in Italian or as we Asians call it, brinjal. I would normally just slice and fry them to be eaten with sambal, or have it be made into Roasted Eggplant soup.

Roasted Eggplant Soup
Roasted eggplant soup

I was reading a recipe on to make Polpette di Melanzane, and not too long ago I made Polpette Al Sugo, which is an Italian version of meatballs in tomato sauce, so I thought I’d give it a try with my own touch

First, take some melanzane, rinse and then slice them thinly. Some recipes want you to peel the skin but I left it on, on purpose as I think that it tastes just as good with the skin.

Polpette di Melanzane

Next, arrange the slices and sprinkle salt on to them. Then repeat the step by adding another layer of the melanzane slices on top and sprinkle more salt till all the slices are gone.

Polpette di Melanzane

Then put a plate on top of it and put something heavy to squash them. This is supposed to remove the eggplant juice which has a bitter taste. Then leave it be for some hours. And when you come back, indeed you’ll see liquid dripping out.

So at this time, boil some water in a pot. While waiting for the water to boil, rinse the melanzane slices thoroughly and then drop them in the boiling water. Let it to cook for a few minutes like less than 5 minutes. Dont let it get soggy.

Polpette di Melanzane

Then drain the boiled melanzane slices. Get rid of as much of the liquid as possible. So I guess this is a great time to *ahem* fondle and squeeze them. After which, chop them up as finely as possible. Or dump them in the food processor.

This, by the way, is Pecorino cheese. Sheep cheese! It has a slightly stronger taste compared to cow cheese.

Polpette di Melanzane

Grate some pecorino cheese and dump them in a bowl. Add a clove of mashed garlic, a couple of egg yolks, breadcrumbs, chopped fresh basil, salt and pepper to taste. Oh and not forgetting the chopped melanzane of course.

Polpette di Melanzane

And then mix them all up nicely. If it feels too squishy, just add more breadcrumbs and leave it in the fridge to settle for a while 😀

By this time, your hand will smell like Parmigiana. Ooh! Another food that I like to eat!

In any case, then take a small bit of the mix and form a ball and roll it in your hand. Squash the middle as how you’d make begedil and then coat them with breadcrumbs

Polpette di Melanzane

And then fry them in hot oil till its golden brown. I used olive oil, but other vegetable oils would be fine too. Anyway, this is what it looks like in the end!

Polpette di Melanzane

It might look plain but trust me, its delicious! So much so that when Cart finished my freshly made batch, he turned into a zombie and bawled out, “Want MOARRRR!

Cart want moar

Uh oh

Sidenote : Feliza was asking that I have a link to all the food that I made. I do! Its right under the food fascination category

9 Replies to “How to make vegetarian meatballs”

  1. That looks tasty! Going to try that once I get the time. Not sure whether we can get that Pecorino over here though. Maybe in Cold Storage.

    Definitely healthier than meat meat meat all the time…

  2. oh no, zombie cart cart….
    veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg meatballllllllllllllls 😀

    it looks tasty, would give your method a try soon 😀

  3. *oopsies*
    I didn’t know of the category… But now I know! And it’s great that you share your step-by-steps with us! Thanks Rina! Lotsa hugs for ya! ^_^

  4. Ady

    I think you could get pecorino cheese at the higher end supermarkets, although here in Italy its commonly found though. Kind of like Maggi mee is impossible to find being sold in Rome :-p

    Anyway, I dont think its that healthy! Cheese and fried isnt really that good a combination 😛


    Meatball without the meat, hehehehe!

    Try! Try! I think you’d like it 🙂


    Awesome, what other eggplant recipes do you like?

  5. i have never been a fan of this plant until sometime like 3 yrs ago.. which i finally appreciated its existence on earth. I found it soggy at first.. but when i had it at a bbq…i fell in love with it 😛 Will try this when i have the motivation 😛

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