I know its bad to think bad of others, especially your partner, but sometimes this is what I think what Cart is thinking
Sidenote : What is with the cough virus bout going on? I’ve been sick for over a week now! Is annoying!
Diary of a Singaporean now living in Rome, Italy
I know its bad to think bad of others, especially your partner, but sometimes this is what I think what Cart is thinking
Sidenote : What is with the cough virus bout going on? I’ve been sick for over a week now! Is annoying!
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HAHAHAHAHA, he helped you take the pictures for this one?
At least he didn’t think of asking you to make breakfast 😀 haha
I hope you get well soon.
Poor Marina, it takes some time to get over the cough. Be patient, take yr medicine and drink some milk or tea with honey.
aww, you guys are so cute 🙂
well at least he helped take the photos… heh.
hope you’ll recover fully soon, take care!
That’s so cute! I hate having the cough bug too.
Hello Marina,
if I can suggest, there is the solution we have adopted at Pagin’s home..the husband has to iron his shirt on his own 🙂
Take care!! I was the target of this bug two weeks ago. Took me 10days to recover. Really heavy cold. You’ll be fine! Nice post BTW!
I’d have thought he’d continue keeping his hand on your cheek till you leave the bed & (grudgingly) iron his shirts. Heh.
go take MC lah!
The ones with his arm are the ones that he helped to take for me 🙂
Ang Mo breakfast very easy what, just pour milk over the cereal and maybe freshly brewed coffee :p
Thank you. I hope for that too, this throat is getting very annoying 🙁
Funny thing about tea is that if you take too much, it becomes a diuretic. I had to go to the toilet non stop for several hours after two mugs of mint tea :p
Thank you *hugs* I hope for it too, having an itchy throat is no fun!
Yeah! Feels like there’s a toilet brush down the throat isn’t it?
Hahaha! I’ll let Cartcart know that!!!!
I wonder what the cause of this is though. Its like everyone around me has this horrible virus.
Hahaha, that sounds like an idea for another comic :p
Paid leave huh? :p
Take care Rinaz. I’m also having cough for the past 2 weeks.
This is hilarious! You guys are an awesome couple and I’m so privileged to know you.