Tonight I fly again

Its here again, the same feeling as I had last year – the wretched combination of butterflies in my tummy, nerve wrecked feeling and euphoric excitement all at the same time.

Tonight I fly, please wish me a safe journey

11 Replies to “Tonight I fly again”

  1. Have a groovy flight.

    Are you a book person, a laptop person, a gameboy person, a stare out the window person, a sleep person, a talk person, or a sit there sweating and chewing your nails person, on flights?

  2. Hi everyone and thanks for the well wishes! I’ve arrived safe and sound on thursday afternoon (about 8 oclock Singapore time) and currently typing in Cart’s laptop while he goes out for some groceries.

    Gosh I miss the internet! 😛

    My alter ego, I’ll be here for about 10 days or so, I’d have to go back when the new term starts again :

    Yay! Really hoping to see you then kucingkurap! My italian language is so limited, I dont feel confident about roaming around but who knows, it might be a lot of fun 🙂

    Krysss, I’m not really the type of person to talk to strangers on the plane so I usually read a book or go to sleep. But 12 hours of sitting in the plane I tell you – is really no fun at all!

    Thanks raimie! 😀

    Doeedoee – how are things back at home?

    Lakeside girl – yes of course :):):):)

  3. Hi rinaz,

    this a pirate-copy from my flightsimulator 1998. This is the “Deckblatt”, the label from the box, in which the software has been.

    Lovely greetings,

    Rainer Poppe @ Rainer Pokryshkin

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