In Rome, there is this term called “Pagare alla Romana” or to pay the Roman style which basically to split the bill equally especially when eating out in a group. It makes it easier and faster to calculate.
I’m not a big fan of it though, because there are some things which I don’t consume which costs more, and many a times I’d think to myself, “Why should I pay for your beer which costs 5 euro, when I’m just having water which costs 2?”
Which probably sounds a little bit selfish, considering that when we go out with friends, we’re there to enjoy each other’s company and we shouldn’t be too calculative, right? But then again, it just doesn’t seem justified if one has to do it multiple times.
Tu pasal mesti mau makan lebih. hahahaha.
Betul, tapi perut saya ada limit untuk makanan … ahahaha