Guess what this is!

I got this baby watermelon for myself recently and I adore his cheeky, kissy face. It also helps that green is my favourite colour.

It made me so happy that I decided to get 4 more to spread the love. There was the green apple, orange and I think the pink one is a peach.

What do you think it is? Make a guess what it is in the comment box below and I’ll reveal the answer this Wednesday 

Updated :

Did you guess a mini portable fan?

Mus, Sally and Lucy are absolutely right!

20 Replies to “Guess what this is!”

    1. I was in a shop near my In laws place looking for little items that can be used for kid’s activities when Cart noticed it. I didn’t see it initially. But when he pointed it out, I thought that it was so cute, plus the weather is hot in Rome now, so it was perfect for me to carry it around 😀

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