Suddenly I feel like a bachelorette

So … Cart had to be out of town for work for three days, and I dropped him at the airport early yesterday morning. And suddenly I feel like a bachelorette again. Hahaha!

Don’t get me wrong, while I do miss him, I’m surprised at how err … relaxing it feels.

Starting off with driving back home. After all the years of going to school early morning, made me appreciate travelling at this time. This was the time to reflect and you think to yourself that a new day is starting and new adventures await you. And I felt so tranquil going down the highway with hardly any other drivers and greeted by the glorious golden sun rising past the purples and blues.

And when I reached home, I finally managed to rearrange most of Cart’s stuff like laundry, comics and whatnots that has been lying around and polluting my eyes. But whenever I try to move it, he’d complain and say, “No! Let me deal with it!” But gets distracted and forgets about it for weeks straight. Well, he’s not here to stop me now :p

After that, it motivated me to do a lot of other things. When I was done, looking at the clock, I was surprised at how much chores that I managed to accomplish, before Cart normally leaves for work. I normally don’t like to do housework when there is anyone around because I tend to find them to get in the way.

Anyway! Following that, I went on my regular Tuesdays routine like going jogging (by the way, I intend to participate in a half marathon come Feb next year. Anyone wants to join me? Do you think I’d be ready by then?) and then cooking a carnivour’s lunch (Cart’s vegetarian) and then tutoring in the evening.

But I think it’s more in the evening that I feel his absence most felt, as he’d be home at this time and we’d have dinner together and then have a cuddle in front of the TV. I’d faint on the sofa by the time the clock strikes 10 and the next thing I’d remember would be Cart waking me up to drag me to bed at 3 am. In that state of confusion, sometimes I don’t even brush my teeth and wash my face. Such a bad habit I started since we got married!

And so last night, it was such a proud moment for me (not such a spectacular accomplishment, BUT STILL!) to be able to wash, tone and moisturise then brush my teeth and put on my pyjamas and be in bed around 11 pm.

But the house was eerily quiet. Growing up in a family of 6, I’ve never had the experience of spending the night completely alone. And I get a little paranoid after watching horror shows like The Ring some years back. Moreover, I sometimes suffer from sleep paralysis which can be unnerving. So I just switched on some online radio, tuned in to Food Paradise on the netbook (to simulate the telly, which tends to lull me to sleep) and hoped for the best.

Well, I managed to get some sleep. And now I’m up blogging and in a while, I’m off for today’s adventures … pretending I’m a bachelorette :p

Update : Turns out that my plan of exploring had to be postponed as there were violent rioting going on … PLUS the flooding from Venice is starting to affect Rome too. YIKES!

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