A bunga telur is a decorative container for eggs meant to be given away as gifts to guests in a Malay wedding.
When mum brought home a huge box of bunga telur and an ornate copper display stand, I started to have my mini panic attacks. Cartcart and I haven’t even planned our wedding yet and already mum has been talking and advising me about our future wedding. It makes me wonder who was more excited – Me or her?
She’s been giving me advice like :
- To set the date in the registrar of marriages at least 6 months in advance.
- To have a double ceremony.
- Drinking jamu to make me more fertile.
And the more she talked, the more I am in realisation that there are so much preparations to do! Not to mention the costs of the ceremony like, catering, invitations, dowry et al. And the more I think about it, the more I am starting to feel overwhelmed.
Why do weddings have to be so much work?
Yay! Our rinaz is getting married soon.
Congrats congrats!
We havent event planned the wedding yet. Uzyn is more excited about the wedding than I am 😛
But thank you for the congratulations 🙂 We hope that we can hold it in December next year
WOO HOO!!! Another marriage on ping!!! 🙂 first one is nicole n hendri of cos, as they announced yesterday night haha! (See nic’s blog, for those who missed out on the fun)
actually. i think it depends on the scale of the wedding. i always wanted to have a simple wedding with only close friends around me.
no .. mum has given u the wrong info .. it is not 6 mths in advance ..
the earliest you may register is 150 days from the date of solemnisation .. 🙂
Stress right? I know the feeling! Been there done that.
And yes, my grandma made me drink jamu too. NOT a big fan! 😀
*look at ping.sg member list….*
Didnt she just say that she’s not getting engaged? 😛 Hehehe
I’d like a simple wedding myself and save money from all those unecessary things, but even the simplest weddings still costs quite abit of money and thats what stresses me out :
*pushes the thought away*
Ok, 150 divide 28 days is about 5 and a half months .. hehehehe
Thanks for the info 🙂
Guys drink jamu too? Jamu smells absolutely horrible. I cannot imagine drinking it. But mum insists that its good for the blood circulation so that its easier for me to have kids.
Sad to say, I’ve demoted to a baby making machine 😛
Are you thinking of getting married too? Hehehehe
Wha.. looks like the marriage bug is hitting ping.sg… Come come.. who else wants to get married…. We can have one BIG party for ping.sg.. 😛
no prob rinaz .. anything abt marriage registration, im the person you can ask *”hint hint* 😉
I wonder if someone would ping.sg matchmake you! Hehehehe
Wow, you’d better be careful because I’d start to ask a hundred and one questions! 😀
Are you involved with malay weddings by the way?
wooo, rinaz’ mummy anxious and making rinaz anxious 😀
/me wait patiently for rinaz wedding
ooh babe, it’s all finally happening! 🙂 heh everyone goes thru the pre-wedding anxiety la, but take care of urself k? u want to look pretty on ur wedding day, don’t u? 🙂 🙂 speaking of which, let’s sign up for some classes to get our bodies into perfect shape! after ramadhan, wanna sign up for one together? 🙂
hi agine .. me not involved in malay weddings/planning but im involved in application/registering of a muslim marriage .. is that a give away or wat .. hehehe
it was meant to be hi again and not hi agine .. LOL ..
If you’re patient enough to wait for slightly more than one year 😉 By all means .. hehehe
By then I think we’ll be a nervous wreck! 😛
Erm pretty? I’m getting stressed out that zits are taking advantage and growing nicely on my face 😛
But yes, I’d love to go for some fitness courses. Judging by the yoga course that I took, I’m pretty sure the others would be just as great 🙂
Oh you work for ROM! Gosh! Be prepared to be asked a hundred questions in the future!
Thank goodness for the internet! The Singapore Brides forum is another great place to interact with other bride to be too 😀
heh rinaz 🙂
think most of us pingsters wouldn’t mind waiting *grin*
wow!! we’ve only just gotten to know u and soon you’ll be married…. ok the 2 points bear no relation to each other. gosh.
december next yr eh? exciting stuff. it’s fun watching other brides-to-be get ‘stressed out’…lol.
“Its fun watching other brides to be get stresesed out”
Anyways right now, we’re still planning and discussing. The date is pretty much an aim at the moment 🙂
Happy waiting 😛 Hehehehe
lol stress ar.. keep thinking bila aku nak kahwin hahaha.. lame right, i mean me.. haha tc.. bye