Banksy in Rome?

While Rome is full of unsightly graffiti, at the same time, there are a number of interesting street art to be spotted out.

Recently, I saw a post from Trastevere regarding Banksy possibly in Rome.

Banksy is an English street artist who is revered by many because of his evocative images. Mostly known for his use of stencils, I admire how he is able to combine dark humour with satire and how he could work with something completely innocuous and incorporate it into his artwork. Banksy in Rome

Like how he was use the morning glories as part of his art. 

There has been reports that there are a few Banksy around Rome with images such as these spotted : Banksy in Rome Banksy in Rome Banksy in Rome Banksy in Rome Banksy in Rome

Unless if it’s signed, sometimes it’s hard to tell whether if it’s a Banksy or not as there are a number of similar looking styles to be found, especially in the bohemic Trastevere area. I don’t know the exact location for them unfortunately, and it’s been quite challenging to do a research on them online.

It may not be Caravaggio or a Botticelli, nevertheless, I think that they are unique in their own way, are fascinating and I’d love to see them in person.

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