I had a good easter

Apart from Christmas, Easter is quite a big deal in Italy. A week leading to it, there will be Domenica Palme, leading to the feet washing ritual by the pope, followed by a Via Crucis.

rinaz.net Easter Pasqua

Friday would be the start of a week long vacation for school kids and by this time, you’d feel a festive air around you – people scurrying around to find the right kind of chocolate eggs, usually the size of footballs.

rinaz.net Easter Pasqua

On Easter itself, I spent the evening with my extended family.

Cart and I decided to give our niece and nephew a set of Peppa Pig easter egg and I’m absolutely tickled to see how much they adored their soft toys and the little figurines inside much more than the chocolate itself.

rinaz.net Easter Pasqua

It was a lovely evening. Lots of good food, lots of laughs. Here are some of the food that we had :

rinaz.net Easter Pasqua

Parmigiana di Melanzane. I love eating this, but it’s quite a hassle to make.

rinaz.net Easter Pasqua

Zucchini ripiene. I’m probably going to try making this by myself. If it turns out well, I’ll try to make a video blog 🙂

Suffice to say that I was completely stuffed. I planned to jog to burn the extra calories off today, but I’m feeling quite disconcerted from the lack of sleep.

Nevertheless, happy holidays to all and hope that you’re having a nice and relaxing day with your loved ones 🙂

rinaz.net Easter Pasqua

If you like my cartoon, feel free to click on the image for a bigger version.

2 Replies to “I had a good easter”

  1. I too love my Mil’s Melanzane alla parmigiana. V delicious but troublesome to make. So far outside I hv not found anything close like hers.

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