For almost the entirety of last week, there was continuous rain, and some parts of Rome was badly hit with flood to the point that some subway stations are closed due to the ponding .
It was quite scary seeing the level of water rise at the Isola Tiberina and Ponte Milvio. Even the Colosseo wasn’t spared either.
Luckily for Cart and I, the flood didn’t hit us as bad as how it was about two years ago. Nevertheless, it was so demoralizing seeing all the rain and going out of the house felt eerie, especially after dusk but all the street-lights were not working.
Apart from the lights emanating from cars, the road was completely dark. It was as if a zombie apocalypse was going on. I had to drive slower than usual as some of the puddles on the road were so deep that my tyres were almost submerged while I was driving.
I just cross my fingers that the flooding situation goes better soon.
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