I’m pretty sure that you’ve heard of the 52 Week Money Challenge. It’s where you try to save on a week by week basis an amount of money, and at the end of the year you will achive a savings of $1,378!
I look like I’m holding up a dowry .. haha 😛
For today’s blog post, I’ve put up a video about my challenge update 😀
Personally for me, it has been really fun to do. We’re halfway through the year now and I’ve saved up a tidy sum of money so far. It’s very motivating to see the numbers rise!
If you haven’t done so, it’s still not too late to start! 🙂
Sidenote : I hope that the haze situation gets better. Seeing the level rise to almost 400 is really worrying and I hope for everyone in SG to be safe.
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