For the first couple of months that I was in Rome, it felt as if I stepped back into time in Singapore. This was because of how old the houses here looked like. Cart tells me that, unlike in Singapore, very few houses, if any at all are demolished after 20 years.
Below is a picture of Viale Ignazio Silone, which is about 10 minutes drive from our home. The first time I was here, I was struck at how similar it reminded me of the places where I used to roam. To me, it really looked like Bukit Timah during the early 80’s.
Cart and I live in an apartment just off the fringes of the ring. It’s a typical neighbourhood. And just like my childhood house, it’s rare to see houses beyond 10 stories in Rome. Vehicles park right in front of the houses.
It’s an interesting neighbourhood. Beside our apartment is a church where every weekend, there will be bells ringing and a congregation will be during its mass. And a few minutes of walking, you’ll find yourself in a little park and a pond where ducks will be swimming. It’s relaxing to see them as well as families picnic-ing here.
One of the thing which I notice immediately is that unlike a Singaporean HDB flat, strangers would not be able to enter freely into the housing corridor. This is because of the gate below. Visitors need to press the buzzer to talk to the owner and the owner decides to let them in or not.
Walk up the stairs and this is our house!
And just for fun, quite like the virtual tour of our secondlife home, here is a quick tour of our real life home :
What do you think?
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Thanks for the tour! You have a very lovely home! I wish mine was as tidy 😉
From your photos it really does look like it could be in Singapore. That top photo reminds me of some areas in Geylang. A lot of buildings in New York City have either locked doors, buzzers, or security guards. I think a buzzer and a security camera would be best but that’s pretty high tech and would be costly. I was surprised by what you said about 20 year old buildings being demolished. Is that common in Singapore? What about HDBs that people own?
Thanks for the plug babe! Nice place, love the red sofa set. 🙂
I love your house! It looks like something that came out of a magazine.
Tidying isn’t hard, its keeping it clean which is annoying … hehehe
Over here the water from the taps is full of hard water and its such a pain trying to get rid of calcium stains on the sink, on the bathtub. Bah!
Thats why there is no close up of the bathtub … 😛
The top photo? You mean the night shot one? I dont really see the resemblance to Geylang, but a lot of the buildings here really remind of of Singapore about 20 years ago
* suddenly feels old *
In Singapore, typically a family would have a 99 year lease on their home, but most of the times, HDB buildings dont last that long. Its usually demolished to make way for other building plans such as roads or newer builds.
My very first house was in Taman Jurong. My family and I stayed there for less than 25 years before HDB reimbursed my parents and relocated us in its en-bloc scheme where my family is staying currently.
No worries and all the best!
And the red sofa is sexeh 😛
Tidying up is the duty of a wife … (when she is not lazy)
Well, usually the house is tidy when I’m not too tired. Moreover, I feel embarrassed if guests suddenly pops up. Ok, not that I have many but you know lah.
Is it Ikea? Hehe
Thanks! Most of it (actually all of it) is because of Cart’s personal taste 🙂
Wow, your house looks beautiful. Small and cozy.
Yeah, most of the apartment in Rome is rather small as compared to maybe Singapore. I wonder why?
And all the best for your OMY! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Still adjusting to the life here … you know, I still cant speak Italian 😛
Wah! I like your apartment! Very very the much!
Thanks for the plug Rinaz!
I love the interiors of your home!
as i mentioned before… i love ur home! so cozy. 🙂 n did u tidy up specially for this shoot? (evilsmirk) hahaha. 😛
Thank you!
But all the credits go to Cart since he decorated it 🙂
The outside not so much right? 😛
your place is lovely! very tastefully done up. happy to see you are adjusting well =)
nice and simple. 🙂 really looks like singapore from the first few pictures if you didnt tell us where it was. hehe.
Really? Which part of Singapore did it reminded you of? Then I am not delirious! Some parts of Rome does look like Singapore! Ahaha!
not bad, nice apartment! btw, reading ur previous post, what happened to StickRinaz?
Great house! I love the bathroom, really clean and simple 🙂
Stick Rinaz? She’s on hiatus right now since she’s not riding her scooter …
Thanks! 🙂
Keeping it calcium free on the other hand … 😛
whaaa!! bukit timah? it looks like any 80s estate! XD srsly!
HAHAHAHAHA! Totally retro right?!
Very good, it is simply beautiful.
Ok Ok. I like the park and the pond. :p
Thank you so much 🙂
Hahaha! Fine! Fine!
Nice home . Hope u are happy. My girlfriend Rahimah and myself are flying to Rome on the 8-11 august. It was a last minute thing..The first time for me and her. Hope to find our way around with our english.Take care.