Earthquake in Abruzzo

Last Monday at 3.30am – I was fast asleep when I was awakened by a movement. It felt as if someone was shaking the bed. I turned to Cart beside me and we were both confused. Whats going on? Was it an earthquake?

The shaking lasted for about 20 seconds. And despite how tired I felt, I was alarmed and needed to do something. I immediately switched on my netbook to check if there were any reports.

Rome earthquake twitter

There were a number of people on twitter reporting their encounter. After some while, I went back to bed.

It was only in the morning when listening to the radio when I realised that there was a huge earthquake in Abruzzo, about 80 kilometers from Rome.

Its heartbreaking just to hear about it.

Even now, after the incident, we still get aftershocks. On Tuesday, Cart’s mum said that there was a rumble that the chandelier was shaking. And yesterday, there was another rumble. If the people in Rome could feel it, just imagine how strong it would be over in Abruzzo.

I’ve never experienced an earthquake before. Its quite frightening.

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5 Replies to “Earthquake in Abruzzo”

  1. hello there.. how are you.. been long i did not comment hmm.. anyway marina.. how are you at there.. hmm.. so did you enjoy there?? so when are you coming back to singapore.. hmm anyway you working at there? so you take care yah.. do tagged me .. i’ve change link yeah =)

  2. Sylv

    I watched a programme where there was this student was being interviewed – their dormitary and she was crying because some of her classmates arent with her and they were supposed to graduate together in september.



    Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs 🙂


    We’re fine. But since I’ve never experienced an earthquake before, its rather scary. Hugs.


    I’m ok, how about you? Like always, trying to get used to things everyday. Nope, I am not working here. I think it’ll take a while before I do, you know, the language barrier and all.

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