Stickrinaz in Malaysia

Recently Stickrinaz headed to JB all by herself! Read her adventures below πŸ™‚

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Adventures of Stickrinaz

Next time I’ll leave at dawn!

Sidenote : All the RL pics shown are snapped using the Samsung Innov8.

Other stickrinaz adventures :

16 Replies to “Stickrinaz in Malaysia”

  1. Krisandro

    Cute because its sad eh? You sadist πŸ˜›


    The cards would have been ready sooner but what to do, I’m only free during weekends πŸ˜›

    Sure is a letdown, especially with all the potholes and the ciggie smells and the fumes … *cough cough cough*



    Experience is the best teacher!!! I wont ever leave in the late afternoon any more!

    I’ll leave at dawn … πŸ˜›

  2. hahahahaa!!! i LOVE your drawings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

    alamak, you actually did que in the congested motorbike lane… how long did that take??

  3. Hartini

    I cant draw!!! Thats why I use stickrinaz instead πŸ˜›

    And yes, I did queue in the motorbike lane. If not, how to take picture? πŸ˜› It took a while, I think an hour till I went through. I even saw one Ah-Pek reading the newspaper while waiting to pass through the checkpoint. Wah, I should do that the next time.

  4. Krisandro

    Ah … I see you have a sadistic streak then considering how you’ve already trademarked that “WAHAHAHAHA” πŸ˜›


    Hehehehe … thank you πŸ™‚

    Now I will sell stickrinaz tshirt πŸ˜›

  5. Claudia

    Its not really so bad for me because there is a bus there that goes to the destination every 10 minutes or so, so all I had to do was to follow it and familiarize myself with the environment πŸ™‚

    Plus I can speak Malay and I was wearing a baju kurong! Hahaha! Never underestimate the power of the baju kurong … people there are generally friendlier to women in baju kurong πŸ˜›

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