Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya from Cart and Rinaz!Wow, its already the 30th day of ramadan and we are already at the end of the fasting month! I can almost taste the ayam masak merah and ketupat already!

On this raya eve, I would like like to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin! Forgiveness for our wrongdoings and words which are uttered accidentally πŸ™‚

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23 Replies to “Selamat Hari Raya!”

  1. Assalammualaikum… Cikgu marina.. I would like to wish you that, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf zahir dan batin.. Kalau silap ke salah maaf lah dan kalau terkasa ke ape maaf.. haha anyway and also halal dan minuman dan makanan.. haha.. anyway i’ll forgive you all the past time.. haha anyway just to let you know that i no more in shuqun sec.. haiz.. it so sad la for sec 4 and sec 5 to leave secondary school. haiz.. What to do,Life have to go on.. haiz.. oklah you take care ok.. bye =)


  2. Hg86

    Long time no see in the shoutbox! What have you been up to? πŸ™‚

    Ketupat? But they are so easy to get, and easy to do now that we have instant ketupat and it tastes just as good, hehehehe πŸ™‚


    It sure is touching isnt it? Every year I’m a sap when I watch it. Hehehe. I’m impressed because Petronas always does these kind of advertisment without any overtones of promoting their oil company. Not that many companies does that.


    Selamat hari raya! Have a lovely day with your friends and loved ones πŸ™‚ Last day in shuqun? You guys still havent come back for the graduation ceremony. You havent even finished your N-level exams yet πŸ˜›


    Terima kasih encik CC!


    Thank you! Be assured that there will be loads of nice and yummilicious food! Hehehehe


    Yeay! My ketupat and ayam masak merah! Selamat hari raya!


    Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir, batin πŸ™‚ Wahahaha … I love this song by Anuar Zain and Elina, so cute. Now Anuar Zain has grown up and looks so big-brotherly, abang.


    Terima kasih encik Uzyn πŸ™‚ Burung Murai.

    Murai. Mu-rai. Dalam bahasa orang putih, Magpie namanya πŸ˜€

  3. oh it’s zahir not lahir? Okay la.. different..

    Selamat Lebaran, mohon maaf zahir dan batin.. Semoga selalu diberkahi oleh yang Maha Esa….

    Minal aidin wal’faidzin… (I don’t know what that means :P)

  4. haha.. Yeah can i call you kakak rina.. haha nice name.. haha.. anyway jangan lupa kasih kita duit raya.. haha… kalau boleh kasi kita datang rumah cikgu ar.. haha.. take care bye =)

  5. Faddy

    Selamat hari raya! Maaf zahir batin πŸ™‚


    Hope you had an enjoyable raya!


    Selamat hari lahir is for birthdays πŸ˜› Hehehe. Lahir means ‘birth’. Handal juga Sylv dalam bahasa melayu. The meaning is ‘forgive me from the bottom of my heart/soul for my wrongdoings’ Hehehe … now you know πŸ˜›


    I enjoyed it so much that I fell sick the very next day πŸ˜› Hehehehe


    Lucky thing πŸ™‚ Hehehe … me too πŸ˜›




    Badan naik?!?!?! Eee takut!!!

  6. Edroos

    Hehehe … Ride safely? I didnt even take the scooter while going out on hari raya. Travelled using busses and trains. No wonder I got sick! Demam moto! πŸ˜›

    Anyway selamat hari raya to you too! πŸ™‚


    Burung apa? Burung BBQ Rosemary sayang.

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