Guess what?

Rinaz Birthday CakeHi everyone, first of August is here again. Its my birthday! Time really flies by, doesnt it?

Previous years I’d be quite emo on this day, as every year means that I’d get closer towards the big 30, by then I’d imagine that I’d be a spinster, with no major accomplishments, left on the shelf, unwanted.

But these days, I dont even think about my age anymore. Even though I’m in my late 20s, I dont feel old. On the other hand, I feel thankful to have lived and experienced all the things that I’ve been through.

Most important of all, to have the wonderful people who came into my life who makes me feel beautiful, cared for and loved.

I really feel blessed.

40 Replies to “Guess what?”

  1. Dear Rinaz,
    Happy blessed B’day to you, may you grow wiser, with the experiences that you’ve gone through, may you inspire and encourage many. =)

    P/s: I know it’s been awhile since the post rgdg the party, but yes, my sincere deepest apologies, couldn’t make it cos something cropped up last min. Thanks for looking out for me though. =)

  2. Wow! Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Hugs Daphne!

    Hugs Uzyn!

    Hugs Arzhou!

    Hugs Malique!

    Hugs Charles!

    Hugs Matahari!

    Hugs Chillicraps!

    Hugs Sentosa Girl!

    Hugs NTT!

    Hugs DK!

    Hugs Miccheng!

    Hugs Edroos!

    Hugs Xinyun!

    Hugs Attilio!

    Hugs Vania!

    Hugs Hani!

    Hugs DT!

    Hugs Hisyam!

    Hugs Jacss!

    Hugs Shifaa!

    Hugs Moby!

    Whee!!! :D:D:D

  3. arggggghhhhhhhh…. i went MIA online for just a bit, and i gotta miss this. πŸ˜› in any case, happy belated birthday babe! *throws confetti and pink balloons all around* πŸ™‚ have a good 2Xth year ahead.

  4. ehhh we share the same bday! happy bday marinaz! btw u live at taman jurong isit? i think i saw you on wednesday, on your vespa-espa-espa-eh-eh-eh at around 7pm. haha i was aboard bus 154, and when I saw you i went crazy hahahaha. EH ITS RINAZ RINAZ RINAZ! haha. jgn salah orang sudah kekeke.


    i have to confess: i’ve been visiting your blog since last yr but i was just too shy to say HI bec…ahh..well..some blogs like yours…are of a different league altogether. *blush* and that cartoon of you and’s my fave feature. it’s super!

    thank u for dropping by greenmoneypenny! don’t mind if i link you then!

    have a good weekend. =)


    p.s. aidil and i are so totally clueless abt this (??) thing you mentioned….im off to find out more

  6. hope this is not too late!

    hope you had a wonderful birthday and many many blessful years to come …;)

  7. Myztika

    Why not GREEN balloon? πŸ˜› Hehehe


    Err .. I never said that I felt old. Hehehehe πŸ˜›


    Thank you!


    Thank you!


    Wah! I noticed a 154 bus while on my way to night class. Coolness! We share birthdate together! That is amazing that we share the same birthdate with so many bloggers!

    Happy belated birthday to you!


    Woah! No way! We first august babies are very very very special people πŸ™‚

    Happy belated birthday to you!


    Thanks for dropping by my blog too πŸ™‚ And happy belated birthday to your husband πŸ™‚


    Uhm … a different league? How so? We’re both lifestyle blogs and we both blog about the things we like! πŸ™‚ Hehehe

    Oh, is a blog aggregate made up of many different genres of bloggers and they moderate submissions of blogs by people and publish it if it’s newsworthy πŸ™‚

    Your blog was featured there!


    Grazie mille! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes πŸ™‚


    Thank you for the birthday wishes! πŸ˜€

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