My brother, Nazry, took riding lessons and had recently passed and attained his licence. Today, he asks if I could borrow my scooter. I agreed, only if I accompanied him.
So today, for the first time in a long while, I was pillion in my own scooter. For the first 10 minutes, sitting at the back of the scooter, I was freaked out when bro wobbled while going out of the carpark to the main road.
And when bro turned a corner at the junction. I thought that I might just fall off at any moment! It was so scary! I never realised how close I could get on the curb!
This must be the same feeling that my previous pillions felt.
Bro went smoothly after that and was a good rider, checking for incoming traffic and checking for blind spots and in the end, we got to our destinations safely.
But I wont forget so easily the fear from the first few minutes.
To all the people I’ve ever pillioned before. I am sorry to have caused you fear, psychological pain and unecessary trauma while all the time naively insisting that I was riding safely. Please forgive me. I wont insist on giving you a ride on my scooter anymore.
You’re laughing cause its true π
Hi Rinaz,
Is your bro, the sub-rider for ur GT?
cos if ur bike is being rode by someone who is not insured, both rider and owner will get their license revoked.
my previous owner experienced that, which was why she had to sell off her bike, to me.
Hiya moon star π
Yes, my brother is a sub-rider for the gt. He was there to sign the papers when I bought the scooter though he didnt get the license at the time. But I only let him ride it after he has passed. So far I’ve been on two trips with him and I’m still alive, but still … letting him handle my precious is just as harrowing too … π
I’m sure the previous owner must be really heartbroken to have to sell the scooter away. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll remember never to lend anyone my scooter π
Signorina Marina, don worry. RIding on ur bike has been smooth (wit occasional jerks but let’s blame it on ur auto brake heee) even wit bajukurung/kebaya on. Grazie Mille for all de rides tht u’ve given me.
Signorina Narima π Its been a pleasure giving you a ride, hehe. You weight absolutely nothing! Making it so easy to travel around π