New Webbie :)

Just wanted to post real quick, that I’ve registered for a new site! After months and months of just “thinking about it” I finally just jumped in when I saw that brinkster was having a 50% off their regular personal account. So it was just like 2US dollars a month. My mind just went whoa. And now is mine .. yaay 🙂

I was looking around in google for other things with the word rinaz. I found out that belonged to a church. There is also an artist called rinaz that does painting too. There seems to be alot of males called rinaz.

So anyway, I’m thinking up for a new format for the new site. Although I’ve always been fond of green, I am thinking of scrapping the old format and change the look altogether. Gotta look more professional … or at least try to.

There are alot of things that I want to say, I just have to start beating myself with a stick cause I’m just such a procrastinator!

Julie’s asking me to go phuket next week. I really really would like to. Gotta get in sync before the new year.

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