Hi everyone!
It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog and I thought that I would just update with a few things that’s happening over here.
Schools in Italy has closed for the summer about a week ago, so I’m a little bit freer – so I’ve been filling up my time playing ingress and trying to pick up Inkscape – Flash has been giving me issues, which is why I haven’t been making any cartoons for the longest time.
The pity is, that I can’t convert any of my past works so I pretty much have to start from the very beginning which is a very daunting to me.
But inkscape has been interesting to use so far, I still have a lot to learn but I think I’ll get there eventually.
We celebrated Hari Raya last Friday – it was very low key affair, since it’s not a recognised holiday here in Italy. This year’s fast has been a tough one – with the heatwave that has been going on here … not to mention also that the days are long during the summer, compared to how it is in Singapore. I felt completely lethargic and I wanted to do was just to sleep. Preferably in a tub full of cold body lotion.
(On the other hand, I’ve lost a significant amount of weight which is always a source of cheap thrills for me)
Nevertheless, I’ve been busying myself with flamenco – our recital is coming up next week … And this week we’re meeting for practise almost every day. My goodness!
I’ve someone asking me if I’m feeling nervous, and to be honest, I haven’t really thought about it till then! I don’t want to think too much about it right now, and just focus on the choreography. Don’t want to freak myself up especially since I’ve been placed in front.
The thing is, it isn’t my first time performing – I did quite a number of recitals when I was in school – I was in the choir for some years and then for a short time I did Malay dance. I don’t remember feeling nervous because the way that I dealt with stage fright was quite easy. I just took off my glasses. Nothing freaked me since I couldn’t see anything. Also, it was at school, and there was no one there I wanted to impress, so I’m pretty much over it 😛
Anyway, I’m sure that everything will go fine. I’ll update you all on how it goes!
Sidenote : Did I tell you guys that I’ll be in Singapore in August? Lets meet up! 🙂