How to make veggie lasagna

One of my favourite things to eat is the Veggie lasagna!

veggie lasagna -

While the main vegetable that I use for my lasagna are zucchini and spinach, there are many other combinations that you could use according to your favourite vegetables. It’s not difficult to make, in fact you could prep this in about 30 minutes. Interestingly, I like it better than the original one, made with ragΓΉ, a beef-based sauce.

Today, I’m going to present to you a rinaz cooking show! On how to make a veggie lasagna.

Credits : Music by Walter Mazzaccaro

29 Replies to “How to make veggie lasagna”

  1. that looks very simple to make! I think this is a great way to combat my hatred to vegetables.. Now I can eat veggies without really tasting the “raw” taste of veggies.

        1. sorry i barge in. haha. actually i don’t think that’s safe, cos u need to bake it for quite a while. and the toaster oven is not meant to be used for a long period of time. i think the recommended period to use the toaster oven thingie is a max of 5 mins.

          better don’t try. sekali explode how?!

  2. Hi Rinaz! We loved watching your cooking show! πŸ˜€

    The recipe looks so simple and delicious, we will be giving it a try sometime soon.

    Looking forward to your next episode! πŸ™‚

  3. Simply great! I can smell it from my laptop! Yes, I’d like more cooking shows, please! With the autumn incoming, I’ll try on my own πŸ™‚ Grazie!

    1. How was it coming from an Italian? Any critiques? I was watching some videos on lasagna some while back and there were many people saying that it was blasphemy how some people cooked their lasagna – like putting sauce straight from a can

      1. He he, it would be nice if it was enough to be Italian for being able to cook lasange and to give advices to other’s people work!
        I’ll do it Marina Noordin’s way!! We Italians have to learn a lot from our “guests”.
        I only have to tell you that in veneto we call it “Pasticcio di Verdure”.

      1. Ho provato gia qualche volta a fare quello con il ragu. Le prime volte non erano buoni e dopo aver chiesto mia suoceera, ho scoperto il segreto..che deve chiudere il pasticcio con un foglio di aluminio durante la cottura nel forno. Forse quando fa piu fresco, lo farΓ² πŸ˜€ I would like to see more cooking videos..brava Marina!

  4. Looks good!! Thanks for sharing the video, definitely one recipe for my to-try list! was a little distracted by your green nail polish πŸ™‚ when is the next video coming ?

  5. Hi Marina, it’s me again Iza, from Singapore.

    I would like to ask if i cannot get fresh ricotta from cold storage for making the veggie lasagne, what is a good substitute for that?

    And other than using Pamigiano cheese as the last stage before baking, what other form of cheese can i use for that last sprinkle?

    Thanks for your time Marina. Cheers πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi Iza,

      It would be hard to substitute ricotta, so I wouldn’t really recommend it. But I’ve seen it for sale in Singapore before, how about looking for it in Fairprice Finest or Carefour or the likes πŸ™‚

      If you like, you could also add in provolone cheese slices at the final layer. Its a strong tasting cheese though.

      Hope this helps

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