Did I just eat the worst pizza in Rome?

I love love love pizza.

Its probably one of the things that I could eat (in moderation of course) on a regular basis without getting sick of it. In Italy, there are many variations of pizza but for now, I’ll share with you two types of pizza :

This is a Pizza Tonda.

Rinaz trademark pose with pizza at La Camiceria

A Tonda is a round, personal sized pizza. This particular pizza that I had at La Camiceria is a Roman styled pizza which is caracterised by their thin crispy crust. Its definitely my favourite style of pizza.

Pizza at La Poeta
Check out the size of the fork with the size of the pizza

While this pizza at Dar Poeta is a Napolitana style pizza where the outer crust is thick, but gets thinner to the middle. Cart says that Napolitana style is the ultimate style of pizza, but I still much prefer my crust thin and crispy.

As you’ve noticed, the portions are pretty huge but this is the standard personal size. Many a times I’d just ask for a box to take away because its hard for me to finish it at one go.

What’s amazing is that I’ve seen tiny Italian kids who could eat the entire thing.

But if a round pizza could be too much, there is another type of pizza called the Pizza Al Taglio

Pizza Al Taglio Eligio

Pizza Al Taglio is a range of pizza that you can choose. You ask the server the type of pizza you want and ask her to cut accordingly as to how much you want it to be and she’ll warm it up in the oven. You pay according to the weight of your pizza.

Pizza Al Taglio Eligio

Eligio is my favourite place to have Pizza Al Taglio. Though the place is like a hole in the wall, taste wise, I think its fantastic. It was love at first bite – the crispy dough, the toppings. Just delicious.

To me Italy and Pizza goes very well together. Its impossible for an Italian to make bad pizza right? After all, its just in their birthright.

Its like eating Tom Yum in Thailand, and eating Soto Ayam in Indonesia, Sushi in Japan … food just tastes better in their country of origin.

Or so I thought.

Cart and I were at Warner Village the other day to watch Harry Potter. Feeling peckish after the movie, we decided to have a pizza at the Pizzeria near it.

And this was our pizza.

Pizza at That's Amore

It might not look too bad, but it was cold! The sauce was cold. The toppings were cold. As you could see from the picture, the cheese didn’t even melt. It was like eating baked bread with sauce and toppings right out of the fridge.

The name of the Pizzeria was “Thats Amore” which means love in Italian. Suffice to say, I wasn’t in love.

Rinaz Cry

This is such sacrilege to all pizza. Even Hizza Put does it better!

32 Replies to “Did I just eat the worst pizza in Rome?”

  1. STUMPBO, that black stuff is (cold) sliced and grilled eggplant.

    Diana, that could be rice if that pizza was smaller than a 3.5” floppy disk. It was more or less 30/35 cm diameter…

  2. Ick! The first pic… Pizza’s so big! Must be nice I bet. Look at the cheeseeeeeeee! Slurpz! Eggplant on a pizza? I’ve seen some chefs do that sorta pizzas before… they called it “gourmet” pizza. Ada yang tak sedap kot.

    Hmm… I’ve only been to Sweden twice and once to Copenhagen. Prices in Sweden are a heck of a lot cheaper than in Denmark, for sure. But the pizzas were not bad. Slurpz.

  3. @the writer, i lived in stockholm, sweden 3 years back.

    I would have thought from my own experience back then the std of living in descending order would be Norway, Sweden, Denmark 🙂


  4. After a while, you’ll learn to eat a whole pizza by yourself. I have! :-O I actually prefer the Neapolitan type thick pizzas with loads of toppings.

    la pizza tonda sembra molto buona.

    yeah that last pizza looks horrid, like a thin slice of pizza base overcooked and they just added some grilled eggplants and cheese over it, you guys should have asked them to heat it up if they had served it cold.

  5. i’m sitting here hungrily awaiting my dinner and was drooling at the first few pics but the last one looks ghastly!
    how on earth can such poor pizza’s be permitted to survive in Italy!

  6. Hahaha… again that cute avatar of you crying 😛

    Pizza is my favorite dish and I guess I’d eat the last one, too. I like cold pizza also. And one pizza that you didn’t like doesn’t give whole Italy a bad rep. I think best Italian food is still found in… surpise surprise… Italy! 🙂

  7. You know Rinaz, I really really love pizza. It’s one of the things I miss the most about the US. You can get some fantastic pizza there, no matter where you are. I imagine they’re not as good as Italy, but I just can’t find anything quite the same in Singapore. The Philippines has Sbarro’s at least, and that reminds me of home. ^_^

    As for that last… thing… they served you… I would’ve taken it back to the counter and demanded my money back. That’s not pizza. That’s garbage. Plain and simple.

  8. Don’t ever go to Denmark then. It’s the land of pizza misery. There are only few good pizzerias in town and the prices here are outrageous. Mostly they charge 70 kr for a personal size pizza (like the picture you showed with the fork on the plate).

  9. Zhiqiang

    There really isn’t anything wrong with the eggplant, its not a strange topping for a pizza even. Its just that its cold! It was like as if it was taken right out of the fridge.


    The black vegetable is sliced eggplants. Its not a strange topping for pizza, its just that its cold! Gah!


    Rice on pizza? Haha, that’ll be a new recipe then!

    The writer

    If I ever went to Sweden, I’d get some local food there instead! Whats a nice Swedish food that you would recommend?


    The first pizza there? Oh, yes its really yummy mushroom pizza 😀


    Over in Italy there are a number of interesting toppings like eggplant, zucchini, salmon and others … even potatoes! Its actually rather tasty 🙂


    Eggplants are not that bad in pizza actually, its just that its cold! COLD! Thats such sacrilege!

    I’m not such an expert on pizza, but I do have my level of standards -_-


    Just because I didn’t like that pizza, doesn’t mean that I’m condemning the entire country! Dude! I’ll send Kim Jong Il on you! In Prada Sunnies!


    I think I’ll just avoid that pizzeria. There are so many nicer establishments anyway 🙂

    About not having found any nice pizza in Singapore. There actually are! But you’d need to travel a little bit.

    I personally recommend the pizza at :

    1. La Forketta – http://www.laforketta.com.sg/
    2. Peperoni Pizzeria – http://www.hungrygowhere.com/singapore/peperoni_pizzeria_hillcrest/

    There are probably others, but I haven’t been there before 🙂

  10. @rinaz :”-( I didn’t say you said that I thought you made the impression that you think that I may think you wanna say all Italian pizzeria’s suck 🙁

    Se la vita non è solo uno scherzo, allora perché stiamo ridendo? Proprio perchè non è uno scherzo… E quella pizza non è un scherzo… Questo è un problema molto dificile. Mi dispiace. Sono un buffone. Invia il mio amico Kim Jong-il, mi aspetto di lui. Allora, Marina! Ciao! 🙂

  11. And btw. cold pizza is edible and to all people who slammed that pizza for being cold: Shame on you. I’d eat that pizza. I’m not a ‘coldist’. I eat cold and warm, I think cold and warm can and should coexist. I just can’t take this ‘coldism’ anymore… :PP

  12. @zq: you must remember that SEK value is only 2/3 of DKK.

    Here the price of the pizzas goes like this: 70, 100, 130 (personal, medium and big) Where in Sweden did you live? I have been all over Sweden and found that Sweden are ALWAYS relatively cheap compared to Denmark.

  13. in Singapore, if you order Pizza Hut delivery, the box has this sticker that will turn into a black dot if the content is cold, then they will give you a new pizza (hopefully hot one)

  14. MKL

    Good! More for you and less for me 🙂


    I didn’t know about that for Pizza hut! When did it start? I never realised it!

    The Writer

    Whoops! I mean Denmark! Denmark! *digs hole and crawls inside*

    Forgive me, I was really really tired when replying last night -_-

  15. tsk tsk. they totally forgot to heat it up.

    i also like the roman style pizza! crunchy! that time my friend taught me to roll the pizza slices and eat them. Awesomeness. All the flavours bursting and the crunchy crust!

  16. Heyzanie

    I felt very sorry for the pizza too. In the end, I took it back home and tried to heat it up in the oven and it STILL could not be salvaged. Poor Pizza 🙁


    Whee! Hey … which pizzeria did you visit while in Rome?

  17. @zq: No, sweden is cheaper than DK. Most Danes go to Sweden for shopping since the money is valued only 2/3 than money in here. Have you ever been in Copenhagen to claim that DK is cheaper than SE? LOL In Sweden I could get a cup of coffee in the local chain for like 20 DKK? In DK the coffee would be priced at 41 DKK per glass. I know about this because I recently went to a shopping trip to Sweden and checked at my bank account online to find out how much I have spent. So shocked that I spent so much less that I used to spend here.

    @marina: I don’t live in Sweden, so I can’t recommend you any. Try ask ZQ. Maybe he’s got something although he lived there back in 2005

  18. I LOVE PIZZAAA!!! Words cannot express my undying affection for it ^^

    I like mine thick and doughy, though. Thin pizzas ain’t my thing. Hehe.

  19. i remember i visited somewhere that sells pizza a taglio, but i don’t remember where.. somewhere near piazza navona? or one of the piazzas hahahaha.

    i had the big pizza at carlo menta, trastevere.

  20. poor u..having to eat that horrible cold pizza. surprisingly, pizza hut has improved..i was there for dinner on saturday..and was really surprised to see that it was full house…and the pizza i had with my friend was quite nice 🙂

  21. hello.. MISS MARINA!!!.. how are you?? hmm.. hey hey at your country izzit halal food?? i felt like wanna to try food at italy, you know.. hmm well.. when are you coming to singapore? and how’s everything in there??

  22. Shabel

    Then Napolitana styled pizza is more for you 🙂


    Ok, will try the pizza there hopefully soon 🙂


    Ok, time for pizza hut for you! Hehehe!!!


    Yeah, pizza hut isnt bad, its just that I feel that its more like eating bread rather than pizza. You know me, I like my pizza with a thin crust 🙂


    Unfortunately not that many restaurants here have a halal symbol here considering that the majority of the people here are not muslims also there isn’t really a MUIS organization.

    So normally I don’t eat any form of meat outside, unless we know that the chef is specifically muslim and we ensure that there isn’t any pork related products inside and tawakkal.

    The only meat that I eat without was-was is the meat I buy straight from the Muslim butchery.

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