Scooter Charity Ride 2008

Forget about the F1.

I prefer to be a speed demon myself rather than watching other people race πŸ˜›

In any case, this is a montage of the scooter charity aid 2008 that I joined in on the 13th September. This is the 4th year for the convoy to raise funds for the Tabung Amal Aidilfitri for the needy.

What do you think?

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5 Replies to “Scooter Charity Ride 2008”

  1. Hey!

    I heard that there’s random apek suddenly followed the convoy, then lepak at Kampung Melayu also..heheh..Thanxs for sharing this! I was suppose to be there with RBGC, but couldn’t make it on that day πŸ˜‰

    Till the next scooter ride!


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