Vivo Vespa first year anniversary

Group - Vivo Vespa 2007

I missed out on much of the activities for the Vespa Club first year anniversary. But I still had an eyeful looking at all the colourful and interesting scooters of all sorts of shapes and size.

Chilling out at the verandah - Vivo Vespa 2007

When I reached Wild Rocket at Mount Emily, I could see lots of people lounging around over at the verandah. Most of them looked a little tired, probably from the activities that they did in the morning.

Some of the Vespa Club members explained to me that the participants did a number of challenges around Singapore. It sounds fun, though I have to admit that I didn’t miss it all that much in account of the rain and traffic due to the Iron Man Triathlon on sunday.

So I walked around and looked at the rows of beautiful vespas. I enjoyed looking at them. There’s something just so unique about it – a work of art by itself.

Green Scooter - Vivo Vespa 2007

Like this Green PX150. I really like the paint job for this one. Green is such a beautiful colour for this scooter.

Vespa Babe - Vivo Vespa 2007

Though this scooter isn’t myΒ style, one has to admit that it is very eye catching.

Hello Kitty Vespa - Vivo Vespa 2007

Isn’t this Hello Kitty Vespa cute? πŸ˜€ This scooter is such a head turner that it was even on

Soon it was time for the lucky draw and then the prize giving presentation :

Best overall Vespa - Vivo Vespa 2007

Winner of the best overall vespa

Best Paintjob Vespa - Vivo Vespa 2007

And winner of the best paintjob. Coincidentally, I nominated this Vespa the best looking vespa at the Big Bike Fest last year.

Very lovely scooters indeed! I’m glad that I managed to catch this event πŸ™‚

Scoot - Vivo Vespa 2007

With thanks to redmini03, pauche and novi03 for the pictures

20 Replies to “Vivo Vespa first year anniversary”

  1. Vespas are not just bikes, its a lifestyle πŸ˜€

    Hehehe. Wild Rockets is a beautiful place up Mount Emily. I didnt eat their food there though, so I cant really tell but from the reviews, many people liked it πŸ™‚

  2. Sicarii

    Minis are really cute too. And beatles and volkswagen and coopers … πŸ˜€


    Those are just a few of the pictures, there were so many more pimped out vespas πŸ™‚

  3. hi rinaz

    we met last sunday! remember?!

    i love vespas .. cute arent they??

    the last i rode was 5 years back before my older baby came .. after which I had to give up the my sfera ..

    till today i really miss riding .. like big time .. driving aint as thrilling as riding .. seriously!

    for now i will just wait for my babies to grow older b4 i get a bike again .. i sooooooooo want to get an auto vespa lah ..

  4. Xinyun

    I do like the colour combination heaps πŸ™‚ Its such a cheerful and refreshing colour.

    Oh yes! I think that Daphne would like the Hello Kitty Vespa alot – although I’m not sure if she’s keen on scootering πŸ˜›


    Hi, yes! I remember you! πŸ™‚

    Its nice to meet you on Sunday, although it was very very brief. Gosh from your demenour, I didnt think that you could ride. But there are more and more ladies who ride now – even the most petite and gentle ones πŸ™‚

    You’re right there, riding just doesnt compare with driving because in riding, you really feel the elements the wind and the occasional rain πŸ™‚

    I think you might like the auto vespa, those are so easy to ride!

    By the way wild rocket is a really nice chillout place, I like the charming old building amist the surroundings πŸ™‚

  5. hehehe .. the term “looks can be deceiving” definitely works for me ..

    i dont look like a girl who could ride eh .. hehe .. and i came across kids or even adults alike thinking i am a sweet young thang in my early 20s .. i wish .. heheh ..

    btw, i got my 2B in 1999 .. oh god .. i really miss riding lahhhh ..

    perhaps someday, we could all go wild rocket to chill yah!

  6. M3rni3

    Wild rocket looks like a nice place to chill, I like the view from the verandah – the building is charmingly colonial too. Am not too sure about the food there though, I didnt really eat anything there, so I cant really give any opinions about it πŸ™‚


    Yes, please sign up for 2B classes! There’s nothing like having the wind on your face as you cruise down the road. The feeling is incomparable – nothing like it πŸ™‚

    *waves pompoms for you to start your classes*

  7. wow, the designs are soo cute! and most of all I liked that Hello Kitty and Green PX vespa. I didn’t know if there is also a vespa fans club in Singapore…

  8. I do like the colour combination heaps πŸ™‚ Its such a cheerful and refreshing colour.

    Oh yes! I think that Daphne would like the Hello Kitty Vespa alot – although I’m not sure if she’s keen on scootering πŸ˜›

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