Tonight I fly again

Argh .. .14 hour flight...!!!

Its here again. The butterflies in the tummy. The nerve wrecked feeling. The europhic excitement. Tonight I fly. Please wish me a safe journey 🙂

Till then, Marina’s Bloggariffic will be on hiatus. In the meantime, you may wish to check out my twitter below or my stream of consciousness.

25 Replies to “Tonight I fly again”

  1. How exciting! Have a safe and wonderful trip where ever you are off to. Look forward to your return and of course the stories and pictures that will follow! 🙂 Bon voyage!

  2. Smart move, sister. Not telling us that you were going. Smart, really smart. I don’t know whether to hate you or to congratulate you.


    Let’s do neither and mess up her room as punishment.

  3. You really are going to Amsterdam? Really? That’s incredible! I’m gonna be there too! I leave from Milan tomorrow morning (16th june) and I’ll stay in Holland till tuesday 19th. Maybe we could catch up? Have a great time, Marina.

  4. Just read your twitter board. I totally understand saying goodbye to someone you dearly love and I also totally understand the difficulties of a long distant relationship. But it looks like it’s going rather well for you guys 🙂

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