rinaz is back

Just got home this evening after spending a wonderful week in Italy with a very special person. Here we are in Capri – Cartcart, who is looking rather sunburnt.

Cart and Rinaz having lunch in Capri, Italy

I’ll update when I get a chance to. In the meanwhile, you might want to check my tumblr account for some of the pics and this short clip below on how to make grattachecca (It’s like the Italian version of Ais Kachang)

And what a nice surprise to find out that I was nominated for Most Entertaining Blog in Ping.sg! Do vote for me! You know Marina’s Bloggariffic is definitely entertaining 😉

Also, I hope that you come to the ping.sg first anniversary party on the 7th July this year because:

  • You’ll mingle with the fun loving pingsters and bloggers
  • Free swags and awesome freebies!
  • Chocolate cake!
  • And yours truely will be the host alongside with Brennan for the event 😉

Past 10 pm right now at this point of writing. It will be the start of work tomorrow and I’m missing my Funghi Pizza and my Panna Cotta already. (Oh, and Cartcart too)

Le Sigh

22 Replies to “rinaz is back”

  1. For sharing with us how the west imitated our east’s Ice Kacang, welcome back Rinaz!

    P.S: Add me on msn via the email provided in this comment. Need to discuss with you hosting stuffs.

  2. Welcome back Rinaz!

    Sorry that I haven’t dropped you a mail personally regarding the choosing of you as the MC for the event. Now that you’ve blogged about it, I’m really happy that you are accepting the task!

    Thanks a lot Rinaz! Hope to see you soon.

  3. Hi Rina,
    Welcome back:) and congratulation on your nomination in the most entertaining blog award, you derserved to get the award, I believed your readers are waiting to read more entertaining from this fab blog.

    From England with Love,

  4. hi hey rinaz do you have any present for me haha =) i hope if you have give me during school time ok.. haha i just joking only haha =) anyway welcome back to singapore! =)

  5. Wow thanks for the welcome Arzhou! Nicole! Mic! Mandom! Sha! Myztika! Hisyam! Eastcoastlife! Malique! 🙂


    Yes the food in Italy is fantastic! There are loads of stuff I really enjoyed eating. Like panna cotta! Mmm! Theres more food pics and vids to look forward to. Need a while to post them up though, its busy time when a new term starts 🙂

    Moby and Faddy

    Gosh thanks you guys! Thats really sweet of you and I really appreciate it. I hope you make it to the party. Free goodie bags and loads of fun on the day 🙂


    I have no idea how I was chosen. Hahahaha! But would love to host, together with DT. I think that will be fun and we’ve got some great ideas on the day 🙂


    Gosh, thanks! Thats really really sweet of you to say. My head has swelled a little more now. Hehehehe! You give me motivation to write. I’ll try to update when I can. Its just that when the term starts, its busy time for me.


    Oh, but there’s even more pictures to look forward to. Loads of food pics! Then you cant tahan even more! Hehehe 😛

  6. Welcome back Rinaz! It’s great to see your blog filled with pictures, videos etc. once again! =)

    I’ll be going for the Ping.sg 1st Anniversary party as well, and I’d love to meet u in person. =)

    I trust with your great presentation skills, the party will be a blast!

    See ya then! =)

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