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If other people can make wierd music, I can too!
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lawa t shirt awak..hehehe…
Yes, courage is very important. Hehehehe 😛
Nana Jr
Doop Doop Doop, Doo doo Doop doop doop doop, Doo doo, Doop doop doop … 😛
i need to learn alot from you about video blogging eh … heh
nice one … nak act cute ajer dia :-p
Doom doom dup dup doom doom. 😀
My video blogs are all in the essense of hentam anyhow. Hehehe. I’m not a sifu! You can see on youtube that there are loads of people who are really good.
And of course I’m adorable, everyone loves rinaz 😛
hahaha… cute! 🙂 think u can give some of our singers/entertainers a run for their money (and their originality!).
Woo! Good hair day!
Hehehehe 🙂 But really, as quoted by the venerable and wise sage, William Hung, I have no professional training 😛
Really? You think so? Its still naturally um … volumed.
Yeah, just need to pat it down once in a while. If you put some hairspray to the bottom half and put curlers on, it would look so great. And to me, fringes make anyone look good. Curtains’ y’all!
Btw, I think you’d be great as a kids’ central host. =D
To be honest, I really have no idea how to style my hair. The only times when my hair looks superbly good is when I leave the hairdresser after a session of wash, cut and blow 😛 Monsoon at JP has it for under $20 for the moment and I like how he twirled my hair in the end. He says its to emphasize my naturally wavy hair
Ooohkayyy … 😛
Btw, I’m too old to be a kids central host 😛
Hi Marina,
You are multi-talented young girl, you can sing, you can dance, you can DJ, you can make weird music…..ha..ha..ha.. you made me smiled widely watching your video, I love it, keep up the good work.
From England with love,
P.S. I have signed up as a resident of second life hope to meet you there
Aww shucks. I cant dance, I cant dj … I’m only good at being silly 🙂 I’m very happy that you liked the video, cause I really enjoyed doing that silly video :):)
Wow, whats your avatar name in SL, matahari? We’ll bump into each other! Mine is rinaz bijoux, by the way 🙂
Nana Jr
I KCDC? I doubt even KFC wants me to be host 😛 Anyway, dont you remember? They only want people 25 years and below! 😛
Hey, read Matahari’s young part!
If the Junior can’t succeed, perhaps the Senior can. (:
Hi Rina,
I love your silly things, ha..ha..ha.., it make people smile or even laugh, when people smile or laugh they reduced they stress level without they realised, you actually helping lots of people reducing their stress, it’s scientific proved!, therefore, I would like to say thank you very very much!
My avatar name is Matahari Collas, I do hope to meet you there.
From England with love,
Oh my, that is so sweet of you to say! *head swells some more* Alright, I’ll take down the name and I do hope to catch you on SL soon! 🙂