There are loads of interesting and funny ads out there. Like this website which features loads of facinating print ads around the world.
There are also heaps of them in youtube too – some of them like this very cute calbee commercial, Smooth E facial wash advert, cheers ad and exercise ad
But I think this Cod Roe Pasta Sauce commercial takes the cake
I know some people find it a little freaky, with the kewpie dolls in a red cod roe suit jumping, the mouth of the girl agape ala ‘The Ring’ but the music is really catchy and so hypnotic that I can spend hours just listening to it. And I think you’ll be hypnotised too.
You could hear the full song here, another tarako ad here, and yet another tarako ad here
Spotted this bread van in a parking lot – cool yeah?
Whats the most interesting advert that you’ve seen?
japanese are always way freaky. i thought that advert was freaky too. haha.
anyway my fave advert is always those petronas during any festival. hmmm…
Yes, I do enjoy the petronas advertisment when Hari Raya comes – the one with the grandchild asking their parents about the plastic plates was especially touching. Felt like crying 😐
for me i like d hari raya ad when a bunch of siblings trying to buy meat for their mum…petronas ad also, i’m not sure if u guys saw dat…
Yes, I remember that, its right here 🙂
yup, dat’s d one…hehehe…
Hey marina, I was just telling my friend about how cute this sunshine bread van is. Did a search for its image online and the first pic that popped up was yours, with a direct link to your blog.
Omg, its like wow!! i know this person!! The web-world is getting smaller as the days pass.