Hehehehe 🙂
Ahem .. anyways … look whats on my table right now 🙂
I love my present … thanks geri! I had to figure a while how to take the metal grips apart to insert in the picture but its all good now 🙂
Anyhow’s we went for dinner on tuesday and I was quite excited to see her after not seeing her for about a year or so now. I wondered how much she’s changed so far. We met at about 6 at City Hall Mrt … she’s still as bubbly as ever! Very tanned but wow the aura 🙂
We chatted all the way to the Esplanade and had dinner and I enjoyed the lovely view of the sea. I loved the cool air and the breeze. It felt good to be out enjoying the crisp night air. We saw a rehersal for the ballet performance as we chilled out by the sea.
I wasnt used to just sitting down doing nothing. Usually I’d have something in my hands to keep myself occupied. I must have fidgeted enough to have Geri commented about high strung I was. I dont think I was though, maybe I was just not used to it, thats all.
Our conversation circled on alot of different things. Like how she thinks how complacent Singaporeans are. And I couldnt agree more, in the sense that most of us can be sheep sometimes awaiting for people to herd us. She observed of how the behaviours of Singaporeans from Ozzie … always studying, always afraid of exploring anything that they are not familliar with. I may be generalising, but that is what most of us here … taking things for granted that are in front of us.
I wish I could do that, explore, move on, spread my wings. Its like being that proverbial bird in a cage sometimes with our culture. I really am looking forward to just become 100% independent by my own. Most of the times I argue with my mother about these issues. Personally, i find it a little juvenile to be arguing over such matters. She believes that independance entails to knowing how to take care of the household. Whereas for me, I believe indepenance means that one can do anything that the mind achieves. So the two mindsets clash … I try not to make her angry too much … 😛
Hopefully, I could start to live overseas for a little bit. Maybe start in Kuala Lumpur for a while and see how it goes. I hear that there is always a need for IT Trainers there. Would be a nice start 🙂 Petronas Towers and Sunway Lagoon and the KLCC are so closeby … with the city nearby, alot of creature comforts would be taken cared of. Am really excited about that prospect.
But on the other hand, I’ve been around people for so long that I dont know what it will be like alone. Its always noisy where I live at and the day when everyone was out, it was so quiet and still … it was eerie … (thank goodness for internet to keep me company :P)
Anyway, Geri and I went to a Chocolate Cafe for dessert afterwards and shared a chocolate fondue and I listend to her excited talk about her backpacking travels and was amazed and proud of her accomplishments … This spunky lady was able to last for weeks roughing it out … I’m not sure if I were able to do that. So she’s got a high level of respect from me.
Well, thats all I’ve to write at the moment … sorry geri, I tried my best … told you it was kinda juvenile 😛 I’ll try again soon 🙂
Interesting article. Being mentally dependant is something I have been trying to achieve lately and we seemed to have crossed pathways there. Thanks for sharing. 🙂